Monday, December 04, 2006

Andavadoaka donates land for eco-lodge

Andavadoaka’s village leaders have officially donated 3,600 square metres of land for the construction of its new eco-lodge.

Blue Ventures is now developing plans for the lodge which will be fully owned and operated by Andavadoaka and provide the community with a sustainable economic alternative to destructive fishing practices.

Blue Ventures is working to raise £43,000 for construction, and is searching for eco-architects and engineers to help design the lodge to run on clean energy, including wind and solar power, and to be built sustainably from local resources.

Current plans call for the lodge to include a restaurant, a bar and 25 bungalows to house visitors to the area.

We hope to complete the lodge by the summer of 2007. Camping sites will be available in the spring, with resident cooks making meals for visitors.

If you have expertise in sustainable architecture or engineering, or know people who do, let us know and become part of the team to improve livelihoods and natural resources in Madagascar.

Contact Richard Nimmo at or +44 (0)20 8341 9819.

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