Monday, January 08, 2007


Exciting news to start the New Year, BV have developed a new project called BV-Offset. Blue Ventures has had great success in protecting coral reefs and other marine systems over the years, but climate change threatens to undo much of this work and further degrade coral reefs. Blue Ventures is imposing a carbon offset levy to all volunteers in 2007 to offset the carbon emitted per person flying out to Madagsacar from their home destination.

The Offset fund that this creates will be used in carbon mitigation schemes in the Andavadoaka area combining poverty alleviation and the protection of the local environment, in addition to the development of direct carbon capture using the very latest in carbon sequestration techniques.

Initially we will focus on the provision of fuel efficient stoves to promote energy effiient cooking, reduce rates of deforestation and incidences of respiratory illness through smoke inhalation.

For more information on our Offset projects and how you can become carbon neutral please check out the link below:

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